The "reconciliation" process, also known as the Nuclear Option, permits the 100-member Senate pass 'budget-related' items, under tight restrictions, with a simple majority, namely 51 votes.
For bills such as Health Care, a super majority is required by the rules of the Senate, namely 60 votes.
Because the democrats are unable at this time to get the votes they need for passage, as many Blue Dog democrats are balking at Obama's heath care bill as it is currently written, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Obama White-house are rewriting the Senate rules to allow the Senate to utilize the Nuclear Option without restrictions!
This is an unprecedented use of the "reconciliation" process. Never before has "reconciliation", or a simple majority of 51 votes, been used to pass a bill that will encompass 1/6 to 1/4 (or more) of our Federal budget (Canada's healthcare system costs an estimated 45% now, soon to be up to 85% of their national budget.)
By ramming health care through the Senate using 'reconciliation' this will spell doom for the democratically controlled house and Senate in the 2010 elections. This is a clear violation of the will of the people!
Why would the democrats commit political suicide by turning their backs on their constituents and the will of the people and their own party when use of the Nuclear option would most certainly spell doom for their party in the mid-term elections in 2010?
An example of how quickly congress will misrepresent and ignore the demands of their constituents:
Aug 16, 2009
Congressman Eric Massa (D-NY) states unequivocally his intention to vote AGAINST HIS DISTRICT on single payer health care reform:
MASSA: I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful.
MASSA: I will vote against their opinion if I actually believe it will help them.
For more information about the Senate democrats ramming health care down americas throat please read my blog posting below dated Wed August 19, 2009: "OBAMA-CARE": REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH IS THE END OF DEMOCRACY
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