The recent fervor and upheaval witnessed nightly at Town Hall meetings all across the country should make us all proud that many American's are standing up to the Liberal Elite and showing support Against the current Administrations policies.
However, this opposition shows a weakness in the current political debate.
I am certain most of you have noted that the majority of these Angry Americans voicing their dissent in these Town Hall meetings are Senior Citizens. Although their dissent is encouraging to all Free Speech loving Americans, I fear there is a subtle side to this dissent that is not getting the attention it deserves.
In 2005, France, well-known as perhaps the most socialist government in the Western World, had reached a boiling point in their country as a result of their socialist policies. Rising unemployment and continued economic decline produced the tinder that erupted across an entire demographic in what is now known as the Banlieue Riots of 2005.
As a result of continued economic despair, France elected Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 in rejection of the powerful socialist party. Recent proposals by Sarkozy, a modernizer, to revitalize the French economy by enacting policies aimed at promoting economic growth and job creation, which effectively reduced taxes among the wealthiest French, were met with widespread protest! For the government to afford the proposed reduction of taxes, cuts in certain entitlements had been earmarked. The mere suggestion of cutting entitlements caused civil unrest across France!
Can national riots aggravated by threats to our existing and future entitlements be in our future? Absolutely!
Socialism creates a dependent populace that becomes more interested in their entitlements than in their personal liberties or in future long term economic objectives. Personal liberties may be nebulous to many, but entitlements can be touched and represent 'the hear and now' of government subsidies!
The French anger raised at the mere 'threat' of loss of entitlements is happening today in America. Today, the majority of those in angry opposition to heath care are not moms and dads nor college age youth. They are Senior Citizens who are angry that their Medicare entitlements have been threatened by the proposed overhaul of their heath care by this administration!
We can rejoice in the opposition, but look around. Grandma and Grandpa are pissed off! This is what can be expected once heath care reform takes hold. Once an entitlement is in place, it is there forever. Social Security, Medicare and perhaps soon Obamacare. It doesn't matter if the entitlement works or not, it is there forever!
I encourage all of you to get out there. Sign up for conservative groups that are active in the debate. Donate to the causes of your choice, try to earmark your donations for TV ads and commercials and candidates that reflect and represent your ideas and values. Write the Senators and Congressmen that represent your districts and states. Go to the town hall meetings and voice serious questions in a dignified manner. Don't let Grandma and Grandpa stand alone, and don't let their fear of loss of their entitlements be the supporting consensus in opposition to Obamacare. Oppose nationalized heath care because it is just plain wrong! It is too costly, too restrictive, too ineffective, too expansive and too intrusive in each of our lives! Once enacted we’ll never be rid of it!!!
We can not afford to let this program pass nor any bureaucratic program or reform that even hints of entitlement or intrusion of more government into our lives! Please forward this to all concerned friends!
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