Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The United Kingdoms system of healthcare is an excellent example of what the United States can expect should our congress vote for Obama-care in repudiation of their constituents demands. (Note: 54% of americans currently say passing no healthcare reform better than passing congressional plan. )

The United Kingdom healthcare system is a disaster, they have mass shortages of medicines, rationing that results in delayed treatment for ‘years’, and complete neglect of medical attention for seniors.

The United Kingdom instituted their national health care as a response to the global rationing of services and materials during World War II. The crisis of war required sacrifice.

The United States faces no such crisis. We have a fiscal crisis, worsened by Obama's economic policies, but no crisis exists that would demand nor require Obama-care. In fact the opposite is true. It is beyond foolish to add to the ever increasing federal deficit with such a monsterously expensive social program.

Yet, regardless of the costs and added burden to our $9 trillion deficit, Obama demands that we accept "Obama-care"!


Social Security is bankrupt, Medicare is bankrupt and Medicaid is bankrupt. It is only a matter of time before we have hyper-inflation, soaring interest rates and increased taxes across all income levels as a result of the deficit and the costs of these failed, yet ever-present programs, programs that will be in place forever.

So why enact a socialized medical program that will overshadow in cost and scope Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid combined?

The United Kingdom gives us a window into the future.

Although the United Kingdom would gladly abolish their socialized heath care because it is the single greatest cost to government and provides poor, ineffective and rationed treatment to it’s citizens, they can never be rid of their deadly, inefficient system.

The United Kingdom health care system is the 3rd largest employer ‘in the world’ with 1.4 million government employees, (the vast majority are administrators.) The United Kingdom health system is 3rd largest employer only after Indian Rail and the Red Army.

While her citizens would gladly return to private and employer based insurance, they can’t. The voting block represented by the 3rd largest employer in the world makes it impossible to reform their derelict system of healthcare.

You would think that even as the failures and weakness’ of "Obama-care" are brought into the clear light of public scrutiny, "Obama-care" appears to be on the ropes. In eight months Obama has lost much of his political capital as a result of his lack of leadership with the economy, energy, taxes and healthcare and evolving public skepticism about the goals of his administration.

Understand one thing. Obama will risk everything, even the loss of congress to the republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections, to force "Obama-care" to pass, even ram it down our throats if necessary. If congress passes "Obama-care" the resulting bureaucracy will dwarf the United Kingdom as the 3rd largest employer in a few short years, perhaps before 2012.

The potential loss of political capital and control of the democratically held congress in 2010 to republicans is considered a small price to pay to create a voting block that will recapture any congressional losses and the presidency in 2012 and beyond. Under Obama-care Liberal democrats will eventually control both houses of congress, the white-house and thus the supreme court for generations to come. You can then kiss our Constitution good-bye.

"Obama-care" is singularly about the redistribution of wealth and control of government. Obama-care is not about health or the welfare of Americans, nor is it about controling costs. Health will deteriorate and costs will soar. It is about control, control of congress, control of the white-house, (and thus control of the Supreme Court), control of our pocketbooks and most importantly, control of our Freedoms.

"Obama-cares" not what the citizens demand, "Obama-cares" for a socialized system that will give him the most powerful voting block in the world, virtually guaranteeing that Socialism will be the "Change You Can Believe In" that Obama promised during his candidacy.

I fear that regardless of what their constituents demand, congress will vote for "Obama-care" to create such a socialized bureaucracy, a bureaucracy that will be in control of every aspect of our lives, and freedoms, forever.

1 comment:

  1. There is no question that President Obama wants to rule this country like a dictator. He thinks he is the smartest cat alive and no doubt Health care is his key to domination!
