Friday, August 14, 2009


Bill Maher's recent derision of America and her Citizens is shamefully endemic of the arrogance and disdain shared by the majority of our current Political Leaders. Maher’s supercilious views are instructive as they illustrate the disconnect between We The People and our public servants, namely the Progressive Liberal Political Establishment and The Obama administration. (for Maher’s complete article see

Protestors at the various Town Hall Meetings around the country have been labeled by The Obama Administration as “Mobs”. Barbara Boxer’s recent dismissal of protesters because ‘they are too well dressed’ and Pelosi disparaging outspoken citizens as ‘un-American’ is sententious. The overwhelming sentiment by the 'Left' that Tea Parties and disruptions at Town Hall Meetings are organized by fringe groups (have they already forgotten Code Pink, ACORN and violent SEIU groups ‘organized’ efforts?) is bumptious indeed!

Maher perhaps unwittingly unmasked Congress’ condescension of We The People when he stated the following:

"members of Congress have recessed now so they can go home and 'listen to their constituents', An urge they should resist because their constituents don't know anything."

At almost every public, non- pre-screened, town hall political meeting, Democratic leaders have been shocked and bewildered at the overwhelming negative response to Health Care Reform. If it were not so tragic, the surprise and stupor that registers on their faces would seem almost comical. It is clear by their ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look that these Public Servants had no idea their constituents would express such forceful opposition to their radical reforms. Could it be these Public Servants haven't read the emails and letters that have come pouring into their Washington D.C. offices?

Why are they so surprised?

Could it be that they are ignorant of how their absence of leadership is effecting every American today!

Could it be possible that The People are furious that our Public Servants have voted for almost a Trillion dollars on a stimulus package that has done little or nothing for Our economy?

Perhaps We The People are angry that we were deceived by the White-house and Congress under the guise of Crisis, forcing passage of a $787 Billion stimulus spending package or face greater than 8% unemployment?

Their crisis management has done nothing as we approach 10% unemployment with no end in sight.

Could the angry crowds, or Mobs as defined by this current administration, be dumbfounded that our Public Servants do not read the Bills for which they vote!

Is it wrong when The People are angry that Congress is attempting to spend one half billion dollars on Luxury Jets for their comfort during rising unemployment and a deficit that has no end in sight?

Could it be that We the people are alarmed that our Public Servants have elevated themselves via their disdain for their constituents to the status of Royalty and do they really believe that they can ignore these Mobs without repercussion at the voting booth in 2010 and beyond?

Every American should be proud that a significant group of Americans are finally standing up to be heard.

The continual lies emanating from Washington no longer resinate with The People. Obama recently touted as a success the loss of almost a quarter a million jobs last month! He had the temerity to state that ‘His’ stimulus package was working, “and all without earmarks!” Does he think we are that stupid? Of course he does! Bill Maher pointed that out for all to see!

These haughty Public Servants dismiss any idea that We The People are capable of making our own choices for our own benefit. These Pompous Politicians don't believe that the will of their constituents is requisite in their voting decisions.

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE are the arbiters of Prosperity!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE can solve the economic problems of this country!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE have the answers to our health and well-being!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE can take care of our health, our education, and our lives!

THEY BELIEVE that we are incapable of making our own decisions and that they have been exalted to their sublime positions to manage every aspect of our lives because we are Too Stupid to manage ourselves!

I’ve witnessed a TERRIFYING trend emerge from the Obama White-house and our Liberal Public Servants. Obama and his Chicago Style Liberal Politicians and supporters, i.e.. ACORN, have become so emboldened that they no longer fear We The People!

Throughout history every totalitarian regime must have each of the following to enact their control over the People:

CONTROL THE FREE PRESS. Our press has freely abdicated their independence to this Administration.

DEMONIZE all dissenters.

INTIMIDATE (i.e. americans spying on americans)

CONTROL THE POPULATION (i.e. thug violence)

LIE to get what they want and deal with the truth later. (i.e. Obama, Pelosi; the list of lies is so long I don’t have space here, but here is one example: National Health Care has been renamed Insurance Reform, new name, same bill)

Instead of listening to We The People and adjusting their political agenda accordingly, Public Servants are demonizing those who oppose their ideology. The Obama White-house has labeled dissenters of their reforms as “Mobs”. They’ve instructed Democrats facing opposition to their ideology to "punch back twice as hard." Pelosi claimed that these Mobs were carrying Swastikas (thus labeling the ‘Mob’ as Fascists)

Never in my life have I heard from any previous Administration to "punch back twice as hard" at the American People! This statement is frightening. Is the White-house now saying that those Americans who voice dissent are enemies that should be put down? Why doesn’t our ‘media’ find this alarming and report it accordingly?

The public and political debate has reached far beyond healthcare reform. Freedom of Speech and the Right of Dissent, cherished American Freedoms, are under attack!

Yesterday, Obama, frustrated by growing opposition to his radical reforms stated: "I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess... I don't mind cleaning up the mess after them but I don't want them to do a lot of talking". Did I just hear the President tell We The People to shut up?

Obama's Czar of communications publicized a new project (Approved by the White-house) that asks Americans to spy on Americans by forwarding 'fishy' emails to (see Fishy emails are defined as any emails that suborn disinformation about Obama’s healthcare reform.

Isn’t this asking The People to spy on each other? Is this not Orwellian? Is our constitutional right to speak freely in this society in danger of repeal? In the near future, will I be fearful to write this email of dissent?

The illegality of this ‘fishy email campaign’ is in question, but the Obama Administration seems to feel they are above the law! They begin to make the case that if the greater good can be served by breaking the law in order to promote their purpose or ideology then so be it!

"AFL-CIO President John Sweeney called on affiliate unions to launch a 30-day campaign of activism in support of health care reform--and, perhaps most significantly, to turn out union members to town-hall meetings."

Has the Obama White-house called on the Union(s) to help shut down the public debate? If so, this is a clear example of Chicago Style Politics. Is this an attempt by the Obama administration to clamp down on dissent and opposition is by sending in Union Thugs to Town Hall meetings to intimidate the older population that makes up the majority of these town hall meetings into silence? This Union ‘participation’ has already resulted in violence and the hospitalization of one man who was singled out by these thugs.

I believe the political and physical intimidation of recent days will earn the Obama Administration a dark place in history.

Unfortunately I believe the direction of this administration is that of totalitarianism. Just look at the facts and read between the lines.

Our watchdogs, The Free Press/Media, are mostly in the tank with Obama. The Media has abdicated their nonpartisan principles to Obama. NBC has been called the campaign headquarters for Obama, ABC has shamelessly represented Obama and his reforms to a point of becoming his propaganda arm, CNN has never been unbiased... remember Chris Matthew’s titillating remark that Obama sent “a thrill up his leg”?, CBS is still drooling with excitement over Obama and the AP seems to stand for Apathetic coverage.

With our ‘free press’ gone, the loss of Free Speech will not be far behind.

Our Constitution, our Liberties and our Freedoms are under attack. This is no longer a political nor fiscal battle, this is a battle for our basic Liberties.

We The People must be vigilant and active. We The People must voice our opinions in every way that we can. Write, attend meetings, organize, be vocal and be determined. We The People hired these men and women who show us such disdain. Make them remember who we are, vote and inspire others to act and fight for their Liberties.

Obama’s lack of any real life, business or honest political experience is sadly demonstrated each day. It is painfully obvious he doesn't know how to govern nor understands how to lead! Unfortunately he has learned from his Chicago Style Political education how to Control!

Each of us can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines.


  1. You are entitled to your freely expressed opinion, but I am very worried for you. You are so angry. You act as if your view of We the People is the only view. I am offended that my views are not considered We the People because they do not conform to yours. What's wrong with more than one point of view? Why can't we have a dialog without the screeching rhetoric accusing all who disagree with us as not just wrong but morally indefensible?

    I really don't know what to say to you except that I am sorry someone who appears to care genuinely about improving America is so tied up in specious rhetoric. I hope there is something in your life that is working better than the bleak picture you offer up in your blog.

  2. I am speechless that the Left attacks any form of dissent against their ideology and then labels it as baseless anger, bigotry and racism! Angry, no, just voicing my right of dissent. It's Obama who wants a National Civilian Military, who has asked us to spy on each other, who labels those in dissent as un-american, mobs and terrorists, who has been handed the free press and in the process eroded our democracy, who in even now creating a state of crisis and fear and who is attempting to shut down our two party system of government. Talk about oligarchial collectivism.
