Monday, August 24, 2009


Capitalism is alive and well in Whole Foods. John Mackey, the embattled CEO and Chairman of Whole Foods, once stated he had enough money to retire but decided to create a biz that would enrich the lives of others. As a result of Mackey's efforts, Whole Foods now employs thousands of workers, provides benefits for each and produces a quality product, enriches the economy by the vast resources he employs to keep his business flourishing and one can only imagine the millions of dollars Whole Food and it's employees pay each year in state and fed taxes. Mackey himself takes a salary of only $1/year from Whole Foods. All in all, Whole Foods is a true american success story.

Yet, when he speaks his mind and outlines his opinions about healthcare reform, (see Wall Street Journal: )

opinions contrary to the Obama Administration, yet opinions based on Mackey's vast hands-on experience with the health care costs, benefits and disadvantages pertaining to thousands of his own employees, the 'socialist' faction gets their panties in a bunch.

The Whole Foods boycott is an excellent example of what is taking place in America, albeit on a smaller scale.

There is a battle raging between free market capitalism and government controlled socialism. The lines have been drawn and the chasm between the two is ever widening.

Obama's election emboldened those socialist liberals to an extent not imagined. Although the majority of Americans are conservatives, and by definition, free market capitalists, the socialist left currently owns the bully pulpit and the sympathy of the main stream media.

Just as the town hall meetings have evolved from Health Care Reform to include debate about the economy, and all other forms of government misrepresentation of the public trust, The boycott against Whole Foods is designed to voice dissent not just against Mackey's health care suggestions, but to punish another free thinking, free market capitalist, and to demonize the entire 'employer elite'.

Socialists dislike nothing greater than a successful individual. Personal success goes against their entire ideology.

Therefore, the boycott against Whole Foods has less to do with health care than a condemnation by a growing number of socialist liberals of individualism and free market capitalism.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Administration raises deficit to $9 trillion over 10 years.

This is what we get when we have someone running the country...

* who has never held a job

* who seems incapable of balancing a check book

* who doesn’t know how to govern

* who doesn’t know how to lead

* who refuses to release pertinent information to We The People (ie. highschool and university background, papers and associations)

* who answers solely to special interest groups

* whose administration is populated with more than 40 Czars, many are confirmed communists

* whose associations are known radicals, communists and terrorists, and

* who doesn’t listen to the American people.

This enormous deficit will cause hyper inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, destruction of the US dollar and the secure the bankruptcy of the USA.

And Midas stills wants to stick us with a health care reform program that will add an estimated 25% or more to this staggering deficit.

The population of the United Sates is 307,236,789. Each person in the United States has been saddled with $29,293 (not counting interest) to pay for Obama's Golden Middle Finger.

Yes, Obama has the Midas Touch, everything he touches turns into unconscionable debt and misery for the American People!


He's at it again, the blame game...

Yesterday, Obama-lama-ding-dong blamed republicans for the conspiracy to kill health-care-reform. (Hold the phone Barack, you're not even trying, everyone knows it’s the moderate democrats in the Senate and the blue-dogs in congress that are doing that! Man up dude!)

Obama-lama-ding-dong continues to blame George W. Bush for the worsening recession. (Ok, we got it Barack, at first... but when DO you start being president???)

In April, on his first international ‘apology’ tour, Obama-lama-ding-dong apologized to Europe for America. (Wait a minute Barack buddy, we pulled Europe and the Worlds collective ass out of the fire at every turn since WWII!)

In June, Obama-lama-ding-dong apologized for Israel and compared the palestinians current plight to the holocaust atrocities suffered by the jews in WWII. (Has this guy ever read a history book?)

And my favorite... Obama-lama-ding-dong takes responsibility (sort of) in the following clip. Starting at sec 8, please pay attention to sec 16 into the clip when he says ‘because I’m the president’.... it’s hilarious how oleaginous he is...

Obama-lama-ding-dong continues to blame everyone but himself, and worse he blames our country at every turn.

Yes Obama-lama-ding-dong is The Sorry President, and We The People Are Sorry He Was Ever Elected!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The "reconciliation" process, also known as the Nuclear Option, permits the 100-member Senate pass 'budget-related' items, under tight restrictions, with a simple majority, namely 51 votes.

For bills such as Health Care, a super majority is required by the rules of the Senate, namely 60 votes.

Because the democrats are unable at this time to get the votes they need for passage, as many Blue Dog democrats are balking at Obama's heath care bill as it is currently written, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Obama White-house are rewriting the Senate rules to allow the Senate to utilize the Nuclear Option without restrictions!

This is an unprecedented use of the "reconciliation" process. Never before has "reconciliation", or a simple majority of 51 votes, been used to pass a bill that will encompass 1/6 to 1/4 (or more) of our Federal budget (Canada's healthcare system costs an estimated 45% now, soon to be up to 85% of their national budget.)

By ramming health care through the Senate using 'reconciliation' this will spell doom for the democratically controlled house and Senate in the 2010 elections. This is a clear violation of the will of the people!

Why would the democrats commit political suicide by turning their backs on their constituents and the will of the people and their own party when use of the Nuclear option would most certainly spell doom for their party in the mid-term elections in 2010?

An example of how quickly congress will misrepresent and ignore the demands of their constituents:

Aug 16, 2009

Congressman Eric Massa (D-NY) states unequivocally his intention to vote AGAINST HIS DISTRICT on single payer health care reform:

MASSA: I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful.

MASSA: I will vote against their opinion if I actually believe it will help them.

For more information about the Senate democrats ramming health care down americas throat please read my blog posting below dated Wed August 19, 2009: "OBAMA-CARE": REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH IS THE END OF DEMOCRACY




Obama, a supposed christian whose religious leader is the ugly hate speech, anti-american, bigoted Rev. Wright, has been spotted in churches and synagogues today. Odd that he finally finds religion now... this might be the first time he's stepped foot into a church since his election! It appears he is using Judeo/Christian moral values to help him sell Obama-care to the american public.

Because Obama was able to fool america into believing he was an active christian to get the christian vote, he thinks he can fool them again into believing he has a moral mandate from God to enact his health care reform on America.

Morality has never been Obama's area of expertise or he would not support live birth abortions.

Using morality to guilt america into supporting their immoral reforms! Who was the genius that thought this one up? Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the 3-stooges haven't a clue what america is all about.

The more Obama pushes his reforms, the more comical and mistrust-worthy he becomes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The United Kingdoms system of healthcare is an excellent example of what the United States can expect should our congress vote for Obama-care in repudiation of their constituents demands. (Note: 54% of americans currently say passing no healthcare reform better than passing congressional plan. )

The United Kingdom healthcare system is a disaster, they have mass shortages of medicines, rationing that results in delayed treatment for ‘years’, and complete neglect of medical attention for seniors.

The United Kingdom instituted their national health care as a response to the global rationing of services and materials during World War II. The crisis of war required sacrifice.

The United States faces no such crisis. We have a fiscal crisis, worsened by Obama's economic policies, but no crisis exists that would demand nor require Obama-care. In fact the opposite is true. It is beyond foolish to add to the ever increasing federal deficit with such a monsterously expensive social program.

Yet, regardless of the costs and added burden to our $9 trillion deficit, Obama demands that we accept "Obama-care"!


Social Security is bankrupt, Medicare is bankrupt and Medicaid is bankrupt. It is only a matter of time before we have hyper-inflation, soaring interest rates and increased taxes across all income levels as a result of the deficit and the costs of these failed, yet ever-present programs, programs that will be in place forever.

So why enact a socialized medical program that will overshadow in cost and scope Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid combined?

The United Kingdom gives us a window into the future.

Although the United Kingdom would gladly abolish their socialized heath care because it is the single greatest cost to government and provides poor, ineffective and rationed treatment to it’s citizens, they can never be rid of their deadly, inefficient system.

The United Kingdom health care system is the 3rd largest employer ‘in the world’ with 1.4 million government employees, (the vast majority are administrators.) The United Kingdom health system is 3rd largest employer only after Indian Rail and the Red Army.

While her citizens would gladly return to private and employer based insurance, they can’t. The voting block represented by the 3rd largest employer in the world makes it impossible to reform their derelict system of healthcare.

You would think that even as the failures and weakness’ of "Obama-care" are brought into the clear light of public scrutiny, "Obama-care" appears to be on the ropes. In eight months Obama has lost much of his political capital as a result of his lack of leadership with the economy, energy, taxes and healthcare and evolving public skepticism about the goals of his administration.

Understand one thing. Obama will risk everything, even the loss of congress to the republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections, to force "Obama-care" to pass, even ram it down our throats if necessary. If congress passes "Obama-care" the resulting bureaucracy will dwarf the United Kingdom as the 3rd largest employer in a few short years, perhaps before 2012.

The potential loss of political capital and control of the democratically held congress in 2010 to republicans is considered a small price to pay to create a voting block that will recapture any congressional losses and the presidency in 2012 and beyond. Under Obama-care Liberal democrats will eventually control both houses of congress, the white-house and thus the supreme court for generations to come. You can then kiss our Constitution good-bye.

"Obama-care" is singularly about the redistribution of wealth and control of government. Obama-care is not about health or the welfare of Americans, nor is it about controling costs. Health will deteriorate and costs will soar. It is about control, control of congress, control of the white-house, (and thus control of the Supreme Court), control of our pocketbooks and most importantly, control of our Freedoms.

"Obama-cares" not what the citizens demand, "Obama-cares" for a socialized system that will give him the most powerful voting block in the world, virtually guaranteeing that Socialism will be the "Change You Can Believe In" that Obama promised during his candidacy.

I fear that regardless of what their constituents demand, congress will vote for "Obama-care" to create such a socialized bureaucracy, a bureaucracy that will be in control of every aspect of our lives, and freedoms, forever.

Monday, August 17, 2009



The following text is from Politico 8.17.09 12:43 PM EDT:

"Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box - - that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Hussein Obama’s health plan."

"E-mails to that address now bounce back with the message: 'The e-mail address you just sent a message to is no longer in service. We are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reform via'"

Although the offensive ‘spy’ site was shut down, the same old tricks are being played by Obama and his crew, this time without the hoopla of media coverage. The redirect email notification advise of a new ‘dissident’ whistleblower website at is just as ominous but without the fanfare of the media attention nor the public scrutiny the first justly received.

Obama and his cronies never give up, regardless of the will of the people. They just keep ‘repackaging’ their ideology until something sticks.

Shutting down the ‘fishy email site’ is a victory for democracy, but the inmates are still in charge of the asylum.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


The following brief chronology illuminates an increasingly alarming pattern emerging under the Obama White-house...



While campaigning in Colorado, Senator Obama, straying from his teleprompter (a dangerous thing for him to do as his eloquence seems lucid only when scripted), made the following alarming statement:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Obama continued “People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve.”


Nancy Peosi says Birth Control will help economy.

“The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children’s health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.”

Obama ‘science czar’, John Holdren, advocated covert addition of infertility drugs into municipal water supplies.


Department of Homeland Security warns of rise in Right-Wing extremism.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement agencies that recent news is helping "right-wing extremist groups" recruit new members and could lead to violence, and warns about the possible recruitment and radicalization of returning veterans.

According to this report all it takes to fit the terrorist profile is to have general anti-government feelings or prefer local/state government to federal control over everything.

June 24, 2009: LOSS OF FREE PRESS

ABC turns programming over to Obama

In an unprecedented move, ABC news dedicated their entire week to promotion of the Obama health care reform. ABC refused to air commercials that would present any opposing view of health care reform.

NBC on new offensive to help President Obama.


White House and DNC call protesters at Town Halls “Mobs”

White house and DNC initiate campaign to label dissenters at Town Hall meetings as “Angry Mobs”.


White House Communications Czar ‘invites’ US citizens to spy on each other with their ‘fishy emails campaign’. Americans are encouraged to forward ‘fishy’ emails to


White House tells democrats to Punch Back twice as hard”

The White house has urged congress to fight back against the will of the American people.


Obama tells Americans who don’t agree with him to Stop Talking.

Obama , speaking to a friendly crowd. Obama disparages those in opposition to his health care reforms when he states “I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess... I don’t mind cleaning up the mess after them but I don’t want them to do a lot of talking”.


Aug 12, 2009: Anderson Cooper, CNN, airs program stating that anti-government Militia groups on the rise in the US.

The Uber Leftist organization The Southern Poverty Law Center proffers linkage between the rise of anti-government militias and anti-Obama news coverage as well as dissent at town hall meetings over health care.


Liberal Radio Talk Show Host Ed Schultz: Conservatives “want Obama to get Shot”.

This is reckless and irresponsible. The media did well not to spend much time on it. But it is still important to note the hate speech spewing from the left is reaching a fevered pitch.


ABC reports “Fear for Obamas safety grows as hate groups thrive on racial backlash”.

Citing ‘experts’ ABC again attempts to tie opposition to health care (reform which ABC invested millions of dollars in free air time to Obama in promoting) in the town halls to racism, hatred and bigotry.


Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer call noisy disruption of healthcare forums ‘un-American’.,0,5370363.story



Dr. Ezekial Emanuel, brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Health policy adviser states: “..medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens...”


Peter Singer, professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and White House advisor on Health Care reform illuminates the disdain for life of the Obama Administration.

Singer argues that newborns lack the essential characteristics of personhood. See the following Q&A from Peter Singer’s FAX sheet.

PETER SINGER Q&A (full Q&A can be read at:

Q. You have been quoted as saying: "Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all." Is that quote accurate?

A. It is accurate, but can be misleading if read without an understanding of what I mean by the term “person” (which is discussed in Practical Ethics, from which that quotation is taken).
I use the term "person" to refer to a being who is capable of anticipating the future, of having wants and desires for the future. As I have said in answer to the previous question, I think that it is generally a greater wrong to kill such a being than it is to kill a being that has no sense of existing over time. Newborn human babies have no sense of their own existence over time. So killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living. That doesn’t mean that it is not almost always a terrible thing to do. It is, but that is because most infants are loved and cherished by their parents, and to kill an infant is usually to do a great wrong to its parents.
Sometimes, perhaps because the baby has a serious disability, parents think it better that their newborn infant should die. Many doctors will accept their wishes, to the extent of not giving the baby life-supporting medical treatment. That will often ensure that the baby dies. My view is different from this, only to the extent that if a decision is taken, by the parents and doctors, that it is better that a baby should die, I believe it should be possible to carry out that decision, not only by withholding or withdrawing life-support – which can lead to the baby dying slowly from dehydration or from an infection - but also by taking active steps to end the baby’s life swiftly and humanely.

Other alaming Obama trends and actions... defen

“(During Obama’s tenure in the Illinois State Senate he was a” staunch defender of the Peter Singer-wing of the pro-choice movement to prefer allowing infants that somehow survived the tribulation of “induced labor abortions with a beating heart to die in soiled utility closets (the hospital unsurprisingly preferred the euphemism “comfort rooms”) rather than risk voting for a bill that might define what he nonsensically (or dishonestly) deemed “pre-viable fetuses... what living child isn’t “pre-viable” if you lock in in a grimy closet long enough?... as “persons” entitled to Constitutional protections.

“The equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child,” Obama reasoned during a 2001 speech in opposition to an Illinois “born alive” bill, and if this is a child then this would be an anti-abortion statute?

See how complicated things can get when one delves into the minutiae of a bill?”

Read the above statements, study the links, note the chronology, pay attention to the hasty pace of increasingly oppressive reforms and rhetoric and draw your own conclusions. You may grasp the true nature of the Obama White-house and perceive a political course abhorrent and dangerous to our liberties! All a tyrant requires to fulfill his goals is the right crisis at the right moment, and like a flash of lightening, our freedoms, our right of dissent, our free speech, our right of assembly, and our liberties could vanish in a instant.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The recent fervor and upheaval witnessed nightly at Town Hall meetings all across the country should make us all proud that many American's are standing up to the Liberal Elite and showing support Against the current Administrations policies.

However, this opposition shows a weakness in the current political debate.

I am certain most of you have noted that the majority of these Angry Americans voicing their dissent in these Town Hall meetings are Senior Citizens. Although their dissent is encouraging to all Free Speech loving Americans, I fear there is a subtle side to this dissent that is not getting the attention it deserves.

In 2005, France, well-known as perhaps the most socialist government in the Western World, had reached a boiling point in their country as a result of their socialist policies. Rising unemployment and continued economic decline produced the tinder that erupted across an entire demographic in what is now known as the Banlieue Riots of 2005.

As a result of continued economic despair, France elected Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 in rejection of the powerful socialist party. Recent proposals by Sarkozy, a modernizer, to revitalize the French economy by enacting policies aimed at promoting economic growth and job creation, which effectively reduced taxes among the wealthiest French, were met with widespread protest! For the government to afford the proposed reduction of taxes, cuts in certain entitlements had been earmarked. The mere suggestion of cutting entitlements caused civil unrest across France!

Can national riots aggravated by threats to our existing and future entitlements be in our future? Absolutely!

Socialism creates a dependent populace that becomes more interested in their entitlements than in their personal liberties or in future long term economic objectives. Personal liberties may be nebulous to many, but entitlements can be touched and represent 'the hear and now' of government subsidies!

The French anger raised at the mere 'threat' of loss of entitlements is happening today in America. Today, the majority of those in angry opposition to heath care are not moms and dads nor college age youth. They are Senior Citizens who are angry that their Medicare entitlements have been threatened by the proposed overhaul of their heath care by this administration!

We can rejoice in the opposition, but look around. Grandma and Grandpa are pissed off! This is what can be expected once heath care reform takes hold. Once an entitlement is in place, it is there forever. Social Security, Medicare and perhaps soon Obamacare. It doesn't matter if the entitlement works or not, it is there forever!

I encourage all of you to get out there. Sign up for conservative groups that are active in the debate. Donate to the causes of your choice, try to earmark your donations for TV ads and commercials and candidates that reflect and represent your ideas and values. Write the Senators and Congressmen that represent your districts and states. Go to the town hall meetings and voice serious questions in a dignified manner. Don't let Grandma and Grandpa stand alone, and don't let their fear of loss of their entitlements be the supporting consensus in opposition to Obamacare. Oppose nationalized heath care because it is just plain wrong! It is too costly, too restrictive, too ineffective, too expansive and too intrusive in each of our lives! Once enacted we’ll never be rid of it!!!

We can not afford to let this program pass nor any bureaucratic program or reform that even hints of entitlement or intrusion of more government into our lives! Please forward this to all concerned friends!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Bill Maher's recent derision of America and her Citizens is shamefully endemic of the arrogance and disdain shared by the majority of our current Political Leaders. Maher’s supercilious views are instructive as they illustrate the disconnect between We The People and our public servants, namely the Progressive Liberal Political Establishment and The Obama administration. (for Maher’s complete article see

Protestors at the various Town Hall Meetings around the country have been labeled by The Obama Administration as “Mobs”. Barbara Boxer’s recent dismissal of protesters because ‘they are too well dressed’ and Pelosi disparaging outspoken citizens as ‘un-American’ is sententious. The overwhelming sentiment by the 'Left' that Tea Parties and disruptions at Town Hall Meetings are organized by fringe groups (have they already forgotten Code Pink, ACORN and violent SEIU groups ‘organized’ efforts?) is bumptious indeed!

Maher perhaps unwittingly unmasked Congress’ condescension of We The People when he stated the following:

"members of Congress have recessed now so they can go home and 'listen to their constituents', An urge they should resist because their constituents don't know anything."

At almost every public, non- pre-screened, town hall political meeting, Democratic leaders have been shocked and bewildered at the overwhelming negative response to Health Care Reform. If it were not so tragic, the surprise and stupor that registers on their faces would seem almost comical. It is clear by their ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look that these Public Servants had no idea their constituents would express such forceful opposition to their radical reforms. Could it be these Public Servants haven't read the emails and letters that have come pouring into their Washington D.C. offices?

Why are they so surprised?

Could it be that they are ignorant of how their absence of leadership is effecting every American today!

Could it be possible that The People are furious that our Public Servants have voted for almost a Trillion dollars on a stimulus package that has done little or nothing for Our economy?

Perhaps We The People are angry that we were deceived by the White-house and Congress under the guise of Crisis, forcing passage of a $787 Billion stimulus spending package or face greater than 8% unemployment?

Their crisis management has done nothing as we approach 10% unemployment with no end in sight.

Could the angry crowds, or Mobs as defined by this current administration, be dumbfounded that our Public Servants do not read the Bills for which they vote!

Is it wrong when The People are angry that Congress is attempting to spend one half billion dollars on Luxury Jets for their comfort during rising unemployment and a deficit that has no end in sight?

Could it be that We the people are alarmed that our Public Servants have elevated themselves via their disdain for their constituents to the status of Royalty and do they really believe that they can ignore these Mobs without repercussion at the voting booth in 2010 and beyond?

Every American should be proud that a significant group of Americans are finally standing up to be heard.

The continual lies emanating from Washington no longer resinate with The People. Obama recently touted as a success the loss of almost a quarter a million jobs last month! He had the temerity to state that ‘His’ stimulus package was working, “and all without earmarks!” Does he think we are that stupid? Of course he does! Bill Maher pointed that out for all to see!

These haughty Public Servants dismiss any idea that We The People are capable of making our own choices for our own benefit. These Pompous Politicians don't believe that the will of their constituents is requisite in their voting decisions.

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE are the arbiters of Prosperity!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE can solve the economic problems of this country!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE have the answers to our health and well-being!

THEY BELIEVE THEY ALONE can take care of our health, our education, and our lives!

THEY BELIEVE that we are incapable of making our own decisions and that they have been exalted to their sublime positions to manage every aspect of our lives because we are Too Stupid to manage ourselves!

I’ve witnessed a TERRIFYING trend emerge from the Obama White-house and our Liberal Public Servants. Obama and his Chicago Style Liberal Politicians and supporters, i.e.. ACORN, have become so emboldened that they no longer fear We The People!

Throughout history every totalitarian regime must have each of the following to enact their control over the People:

CONTROL THE FREE PRESS. Our press has freely abdicated their independence to this Administration.

DEMONIZE all dissenters.

INTIMIDATE (i.e. americans spying on americans)

CONTROL THE POPULATION (i.e. thug violence)

LIE to get what they want and deal with the truth later. (i.e. Obama, Pelosi; the list of lies is so long I don’t have space here, but here is one example: National Health Care has been renamed Insurance Reform, new name, same bill)

Instead of listening to We The People and adjusting their political agenda accordingly, Public Servants are demonizing those who oppose their ideology. The Obama White-house has labeled dissenters of their reforms as “Mobs”. They’ve instructed Democrats facing opposition to their ideology to "punch back twice as hard." Pelosi claimed that these Mobs were carrying Swastikas (thus labeling the ‘Mob’ as Fascists)

Never in my life have I heard from any previous Administration to "punch back twice as hard" at the American People! This statement is frightening. Is the White-house now saying that those Americans who voice dissent are enemies that should be put down? Why doesn’t our ‘media’ find this alarming and report it accordingly?

The public and political debate has reached far beyond healthcare reform. Freedom of Speech and the Right of Dissent, cherished American Freedoms, are under attack!

Yesterday, Obama, frustrated by growing opposition to his radical reforms stated: "I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess... I don't mind cleaning up the mess after them but I don't want them to do a lot of talking". Did I just hear the President tell We The People to shut up?

Obama's Czar of communications publicized a new project (Approved by the White-house) that asks Americans to spy on Americans by forwarding 'fishy' emails to (see Fishy emails are defined as any emails that suborn disinformation about Obama’s healthcare reform.

Isn’t this asking The People to spy on each other? Is this not Orwellian? Is our constitutional right to speak freely in this society in danger of repeal? In the near future, will I be fearful to write this email of dissent?

The illegality of this ‘fishy email campaign’ is in question, but the Obama Administration seems to feel they are above the law! They begin to make the case that if the greater good can be served by breaking the law in order to promote their purpose or ideology then so be it!

"AFL-CIO President John Sweeney called on affiliate unions to launch a 30-day campaign of activism in support of health care reform--and, perhaps most significantly, to turn out union members to town-hall meetings."

Has the Obama White-house called on the Union(s) to help shut down the public debate? If so, this is a clear example of Chicago Style Politics. Is this an attempt by the Obama administration to clamp down on dissent and opposition is by sending in Union Thugs to Town Hall meetings to intimidate the older population that makes up the majority of these town hall meetings into silence? This Union ‘participation’ has already resulted in violence and the hospitalization of one man who was singled out by these thugs.

I believe the political and physical intimidation of recent days will earn the Obama Administration a dark place in history.

Unfortunately I believe the direction of this administration is that of totalitarianism. Just look at the facts and read between the lines.

Our watchdogs, The Free Press/Media, are mostly in the tank with Obama. The Media has abdicated their nonpartisan principles to Obama. NBC has been called the campaign headquarters for Obama, ABC has shamelessly represented Obama and his reforms to a point of becoming his propaganda arm, CNN has never been unbiased... remember Chris Matthew’s titillating remark that Obama sent “a thrill up his leg”?, CBS is still drooling with excitement over Obama and the AP seems to stand for Apathetic coverage.

With our ‘free press’ gone, the loss of Free Speech will not be far behind.

Our Constitution, our Liberties and our Freedoms are under attack. This is no longer a political nor fiscal battle, this is a battle for our basic Liberties.

We The People must be vigilant and active. We The People must voice our opinions in every way that we can. Write, attend meetings, organize, be vocal and be determined. We The People hired these men and women who show us such disdain. Make them remember who we are, vote and inspire others to act and fight for their Liberties.

Obama’s lack of any real life, business or honest political experience is sadly demonstrated each day. It is painfully obvious he doesn't know how to govern nor understands how to lead! Unfortunately he has learned from his Chicago Style Political education how to Control!

Each of us can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines.