Friday, March 12, 2010


The Fourth Estate:

Etymology... A power other than the three estates (the Lords Spiritual, the Lords Temporal, and the House of Commons) in the United Kingdom... these three original estates were also known as the three traditional 'estates' of society: the aristocracy, the Church, and the ordinary people.

Definition of The Fourth Estate: Journalists considered as a group; the public press.

I think everyone would agree that the basic idea behind the Fourth Estate is that it is the watch dog over the three estates excesses and are an essential part of a free society.

Journalism has a noble past and has been the public's main source of information and protection from the dangers of unbridled power and corruption within the three estates and has historically been a important tool that has aided in the preservation of our personal liberties in this, the greatest country of liberty in the world.

However... recent disturbing events are even now erupting throughout our great land that illustrate the demise and perhaps death of our once great fourth estate, the public press.

Without an independent public press, without our Fourth Estate, arrogance, corruption and danger to our personal liberties are circling in the waters of our democracy.

Example 1:

The arrogance of Congress / Congress rejects will of the people

Congress’ arrogance has been on full display throughout the prolonged debate over healthcare. Congress's arrogance has been opened to public scrutiny in their pronouncements that they will pass healthcare by "any means necessary", a bill that is both unwritten and unknown as to it's final form (as of todays date, although in it's current form the bill totals more than 2,700 pages of obfuscation and double entendre) a bill that the majority of Americans oppose, a bill of which Speaker Nancy Pelosi opined on March 10, 2010 "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Example 2:

Attorney General Holder Failed to give legal briefs to Senate

Attorney General Eric Holder failed to tell the Senate about seven legal briefs he signed when lawmakers considered his nomination to his current job, according to a letter released on Friday.

Two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court for Jose Padilla, who sought release from a military prison in South Carolina where he was being held after then-President George W. Bush designated him an “enemy combatant.”

Padilla was held in a military brig for three years before his case was moved to a criminal court in Miami, where he was convicted on charges of offering his services to militants. see:

Sound familiar? Would this information about Holders past have been useful before the debacle of the Christmas Day Bomber being Mirandized within 15 minutes of his arrest? This is of serious import as Holder is nothing more that a reflection of Obama’s ideology. The Obama Administration bases much of their ideology on the primary belief that America is responsible for all the evils in the world, that america has brought evil upon itself due to its overwhelming global success’ and freedoms. This Administration has clearly illustrated its beliefs that success comes at the expense of others and is self serving and that success is wrong if not evil. Their ideology is to redesign America into a sub-standard country that will no longer be the leader of the Free World, the Ensign of Freedom. Socialism, tyranny, call it what you may, this regime is out to destroy the freedoms we have in the name of rebuilding our democracy in their own image… that of imminent domain over its citizens rights and freedoms in the name of their historically flawed ideology.

Example 3.

Pelosi and Reid Promise Increased Congressional Transparency

December 5, 2006 see:

The New Democratic leadership in Congress is urging transparency as a primary tool to reform the legislative process. According to statements from incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), the leadership is planning several new rules and pieces of legislation on tracking earmarks, requiring time to read proposed legislation, and media access to conference committe activities - all with a central theme of increased congressional transparency.

Unfortunately, things have turned out very different under the leadership of Reid and Pelosi. The fraud of the healthcare debate, the closed door, back room deals for special interests and unions, the Nebraska and Louisiana kickbacks that were effectively bribes for those states senatorial votes, the endless earmarks, billions in pork barrel spending, the list goes on and on and on, all contradict the promise of two of the nations most powerful politicians...

Example 4.

Pelosi promises the most open and ethical congress in history

February 26, 2010 see:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Friday said that she is running the most ethical Congress in history.

All I can say about Pelosi... "she is living in a dream world Neo"...

Example 5.

Charlie Rangle’s Financial and Tax Scandals


Charlie Rangel, Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee writes all tax law in the United States, is himself a tax cheat.

“Last week, we learned that Rangel filed a grossly misleading financial disclosure report for 2007 - failing to report at least half a million dollars in assetts...”

Democrats continue to stand behind Rangel even as more scandals have emerged. He continues to find huge support among fellow democrats, including Nancy Pelosi. On March 2, 2010 Charlie Rangle stepped down from the Ways and Means committee chairmanship and stated he would be back.

If he were a Republican, he would be forced out of the House by now...

Example 6.

Eric Massa

The house recently passed a resolution on a 360 to 2 vote to conduct an investigation into Eric Massa’s alleged physical sexual harassment of congressional staffers and interns.

Eric Massa resigned from Congress just a few short days ago under the cloud of misconduct and sexual harassment of congressional aides and staffers. Massa’s looney public explanations leading to his resignation have been met with scorn and pity.

Pelosi knew of Massa’s Misconduct in October 2009.

Politico reported on March 10, 2010 that Pelosi knew of Massa’s misconduct in October. see:

We now know that Pelosi knew about Massa's misconduct in October 2009. As Speaker she had a legal obligation to investigate, yet she withheld this information from investigation, Why? Perhaps it was one of the many 'chips' she keeps in her back pocket, dirt she has compiled on so many of her colleagues in congress to be used at a later date when she "requires their vote". Perhaps this information about Massa was to be used at a later date in order to get Massa's vote on healthcare? Is it possible that the looney Massa did tell the truth when he stated publicly that he was ‘outed’ because he refused to vote for healthcare?

Death of the 4th Estate

The number of examples of corruption, deceit and outright lies from our public officials read as long as the current healthcare bill of more than 2,700 pages, but without a doubt corruption is now unbridled and unchecked in our government.

One must ask why? Were not the democrats elected en masse because they are the party of hope and change, the touchy-feely party, the party of trust, honesty and the party that is in tune with the individualism of America?

The facts show a decidedly different democratic party, one of back room deals, secret meetings, special pay offs and bribes, politics of personal destruction, extravagant lifestyles at the expense of tax payer dollars, monarch like disdain for their constituents... When the jobless numbers rise again (and they will) I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Pelosi's next public retort to rising unemployment... “Let them eat cake."

Again, one must ask why the massive corruption in such a short time in power? It seems that the democrats don’t even care if the public knows about their dark deeds.

The answer is simple. It began many years ago and was recognize by many open minded americans during the election year of 2008.

In 2008 our free, public press publicly abdicated their independence in favor of their candidate, Barack Husein Obama, a candidate who finally shared their ideology, a progressive ideology, the dangerous ideology of the Obama Administration. Our press has become a servant of this ideology and bury and reject stories (ie. Acorn) that could be damaging to those in power that the press openly support. Our press has effectively turned the microphone over to Obama and blindly do the bidding of his Administration. Our press has lost their independence and have fallen from the lofty role of Fourth Estate.

The Death of the Fourth Estate is the main reason for the growing corruption in Washington, and because there is no independent Fourth Estate, no check and balance to those in power, the corruption will continue to escalate without pause, without mercy and the liberties of the American People will be put to the test, trampled upon and dismissed via an ever growing, ever expanding federal government.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I thought it appropriate to reprint my comments from August 20, 2009 (see below) as the reconciliation process, or Nuclear Option, is now thrown on the table of an angry American Public.

According to the Lame Stream Media, the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration, yesterday's Health Care Summit was organized by Obama in a public attempt to keep at least one of his campaign promises, to quiet his critics, and to hopefully regain some voter momentum in favor of this legislative beast.

However, the True intent of Obama and the Democrats was to paint the Republicans into a corner and then show America that republicans would not compromise but would only block a bill that 'is necessary for America." Obama was hoping to announce after this summit that he had done everything he could, blame the Republicans for gridlock and 'reluctantly' tell the Senate to pass the bill through reconciliation, as that would be the only way to save America.

Unfortunate for Obama, he tipped his hand by publishing his Obamacare Bill three days prior to the summit, effectively telling the Republicans and the country that the summit would be a sham, that there was never any effort on his part to compromise... that the summit was a 'take it or leave it' deal...

Unfortunate for Obama his lame handing of the mediation proved him to be uncompromising, dismissive and arrogant...

Unfortunate for Obama, he didn't have his teleprompter and he came off weak, unpresidential, petty, patronizing and ill informed...

Unfortunate for Obama, he let Pelosi speak first, her grating, lying words crescendoing in irritation to all that listened...

Unfortunate for Obama, Harry Reid continued to play the idiot as he denied that he nor anyone else had mentioned the reconciliation process to force this bill down the throats of an American Public whose majority rejects this bill by three to one... (seriously, is Reid that stupid??? he was quoted last sunday laying out his plans for the reconciliation option!)

Unfortunate for Obama, the American People see Obamacare for what it is, a Socialist Power Grab!

Unfortunate for Obama, the Republicans came to the summit prepared.

Yet the Greatest Tragedy...

Unfortunate for America, it's representative government, it's constitution, it's principles, it's freedoms and it's people... this New Government, led by Obama, redesigned by Obama, controlled by Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the Democrats, will force upon America and it's people the most costly, invasive, destructive, powerful, freedom of choice killing bill in the history of this once great nation, in Overt Rejection and Disdain to the Will of the People!

Unfortunate for America, when this Bill Passes through the reconciliation process, you can then say "I Told You So" to all the idiots who voted for Obama, you can then sadly state that you live in a socialist country, ruled by a socialit government which has more in common with the old Soviet Politbureau than the representative government that was once the envy of the world...



The "reconciliation" process, also known as the Nuclear Option, permits the 100-member Senate pass 'budget-related' items, under tight restrictions, with a simple majority, namely 51 votes.

For bills such as Health Care, a super majority is required by the rules of the Senate, namely 60 votes.

Because the democrats are unable at this time to get the votes they need for passage, as many Blue Dog democrats are balking at Obama's heath care bill as it is currently written, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Obama White-house are rewriting the Senate rules to allow the Senate to utilize the Nuclear Option without restrictions!

This is an unprecedented use of the "reconciliation" process. Never before has "reconciliation", or a simple majority of 51 votes, been used to pass a bill that will encompass 1/6 to 1/4 (or more) of our Federal budget (Canada's healthcare system costs an estimated 45% now, soon to be up to 85% of their national budget.)

By ramming health care through the Senate using 'reconciliation' this will spell doom for the democratically controlled house and Senate in the 2010 elections. This is a clear violation of the will of the people!

Why would the democrats commit political suicide by turning their backs on their constituents and the will of the people and their own party when use of the Nuclear option would most certainly spell doom for their party in the mid-term elections in 2010?

An example of how quickly congress will misrepresent and ignore the demands of their constituents:

Aug 16, 2009

Congressman Eric Massa (D-NY) states unequivocally his intention to vote AGAINST HIS DISTRICT on single payer health care reform:

MASSA: I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful.

MASSA: I will vote against their opinion if I actually believe it will help them.

For more information about the Senate democrats ramming health care down americas throat please read my blog posting below dated Wed August 19, 2009: "OBAMA-CARE": REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH IS THE END OF DEMOCRACY

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Obama, his administration, and all the House and Senate Democrats are in a tizzy about todays senatorial election in Massachusetts.

The lame-stream media has made this election solely about Healthcare and tell us, the public, that this is a race about Healthcare. This is a lie.

There is much more at stake than simply Obamacare.

What is at stake is Obama’s ultimate agenda, his main objective... the socialization of America. Cap and Trade, Regulation of All industry and Healthcare are Obama’s three primary goals. Once he has this triad under control America will no longer be the bastian of liberty, instead we will have a socialist society where our business, our energy and our very heath are under the control of the State.

At stake, our freedom, our liberties, our country and our very lives!

With so much at stake you can expect massive voter fraud in today’s election, perpetrated by none other that SEIU and ACORN and supported and suborned by the Democratic Party, Obama and his administration!

The groundwork for this voter fraud has been prepared over the last several years. More than 100,000 registered voters in todays election in Massachusetts are legally dead! That’s right, there are more than 100,000 registered voters that can now vote in today’s election! All it takes is an ACORN activist or a Coakley supporter to vote in the name of the deceased! Simple (and now you know why the democrats have been fighting to eliminate photo I.D.'s at the election booth in several states!)


I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would bet the farm that the ultimate goal of the crooked democrats and their lapdog ACORN is to first: attempt to steal the election in Massachusetts or second: at the very least, create such a controversy that the elected representative will have to wait weeks, if not months, for the dust to settle, for the ballots to be recounted and for the controversy to be decided before he/she is seated in the Senate. The outcome of Massachusetts will have no effect on the passing of Healthcare in Washington due to these delays.

What has happened to our country and why is it that in every close race voter fraud raises it’s ugly, despicable head? (Minnesota's Al Franklin comes immediately to mind...), And why is it that behind every voter fraud controversy in this nation the shadow of the Democratic Party is always close at hand?

Do the math, the democrats play dirty, they cheat and steal so they can get to Washington to Steal your freedoms and your money. Get out and vote for anyone other than a democrat and you will be doing yourself and your nation a great service!

Friday, December 4, 2009

CLIMATEGATE: A Threat to The New World Order?

As most people in America are aware, Climategate has been heavily reported throughout numerous media sources since the story broke two weeks ago. With the exception of our own ‘mainstream’ media outlets, namely ABC, CBS and NBC, the story continues to unfold in all it’s Machiavellian detail.

Yet our own major networks refuse to report on this amazing story, arguably the story of the century. Why?

According to Rasmussen Reports daily tracking poll, most Americans (52%) say that there is significant disagreement within the scientific community on the topic of global warming. 59% say it’s likely global warming researchers might falsify data to support their beliefs.

With such a broad base of skepticism about the truth and science of global warming among Americans, why does our major media outlets and the Obama Administration continue to reject, deny and ignore what is becoming painfully obvious... that the data and science on which global warming is based is false, contrived and simply ‘made up’.

With the United Nations Climate Change Conference fast approaching we can better understand why this new ‘inconvenient truth’ about global warming is considered a hiss and byword to Obama and the UN and the lamestream media.

The Climate Conference will bring to the table a treaty for all participating nations to ratify. An initiative founded in May 2007 by a group of business leaders and scientists with the aim of helping make the case for a new global climate treaty that will come into force when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol comes to an end in 2012.

Note: a treaty, once signed, is binding and cannot be nullified. As such, our congress must ratify the treaty before our nation is bound by the terms of the treaty.

The purpose of this 170 nation Climate Summit is to create a world government disguised as a relief of global warming. The Copenhagen summit seeks to create a world government that is responsible for enforcing the treaty. The other purpose of this treaty is to redistribute wealth from countries like America to Third World nations as compensation for ‘lost opportunities, resources, lives, land and dignity” (as quoted in an early draft of the treaty.) Note: proposed cost to the United States is a minimum of $10 billion per year or up to 2% of GNP.

In summary, scientists and governments have created a global hoax named global warming for the ultimate purpose of creating a governing body that will redistribute the wealth of the weathiest nations to the rest of the world.

It should be clear why the discovery of the emails that broke the climategate story are such a danger to the UN, Obama and the Media!

Global Warming has and will always be about the global redistribution of wealth! The loss of our National Sovereignty and Independence from foreign governments is possibly days away and in the hands of those in our own government, namely Obama, who will attend and support the Climate Treaty! Should Obama return to our country with the treaty in hand each of us must rise up against the ratification of this agreement!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Capitalism is alive and well in Whole Foods. John Mackey, the embattled CEO and Chairman of Whole Foods, once stated he had enough money to retire but decided to create a biz that would enrich the lives of others. As a result of Mackey's efforts, Whole Foods now employs thousands of workers, provides benefits for each and produces a quality product, enriches the economy by the vast resources he employs to keep his business flourishing and one can only imagine the millions of dollars Whole Food and it's employees pay each year in state and fed taxes. Mackey himself takes a salary of only $1/year from Whole Foods. All in all, Whole Foods is a true american success story.

Yet, when he speaks his mind and outlines his opinions about healthcare reform, (see Wall Street Journal: )

opinions contrary to the Obama Administration, yet opinions based on Mackey's vast hands-on experience with the health care costs, benefits and disadvantages pertaining to thousands of his own employees, the 'socialist' faction gets their panties in a bunch.

The Whole Foods boycott is an excellent example of what is taking place in America, albeit on a smaller scale.

There is a battle raging between free market capitalism and government controlled socialism. The lines have been drawn and the chasm between the two is ever widening.

Obama's election emboldened those socialist liberals to an extent not imagined. Although the majority of Americans are conservatives, and by definition, free market capitalists, the socialist left currently owns the bully pulpit and the sympathy of the main stream media.

Just as the town hall meetings have evolved from Health Care Reform to include debate about the economy, and all other forms of government misrepresentation of the public trust, The boycott against Whole Foods is designed to voice dissent not just against Mackey's health care suggestions, but to punish another free thinking, free market capitalist, and to demonize the entire 'employer elite'.

Socialists dislike nothing greater than a successful individual. Personal success goes against their entire ideology.

Therefore, the boycott against Whole Foods has less to do with health care than a condemnation by a growing number of socialist liberals of individualism and free market capitalism.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Administration raises deficit to $9 trillion over 10 years.

This is what we get when we have someone running the country...

* who has never held a job

* who seems incapable of balancing a check book

* who doesn’t know how to govern

* who doesn’t know how to lead

* who refuses to release pertinent information to We The People (ie. highschool and university background, papers and associations)

* who answers solely to special interest groups

* whose administration is populated with more than 40 Czars, many are confirmed communists

* whose associations are known radicals, communists and terrorists, and

* who doesn’t listen to the American people.

This enormous deficit will cause hyper inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, destruction of the US dollar and the secure the bankruptcy of the USA.

And Midas stills wants to stick us with a health care reform program that will add an estimated 25% or more to this staggering deficit.

The population of the United Sates is 307,236,789. Each person in the United States has been saddled with $29,293 (not counting interest) to pay for Obama's Golden Middle Finger.

Yes, Obama has the Midas Touch, everything he touches turns into unconscionable debt and misery for the American People!


He's at it again, the blame game...

Yesterday, Obama-lama-ding-dong blamed republicans for the conspiracy to kill health-care-reform. (Hold the phone Barack, you're not even trying, everyone knows it’s the moderate democrats in the Senate and the blue-dogs in congress that are doing that! Man up dude!)

Obama-lama-ding-dong continues to blame George W. Bush for the worsening recession. (Ok, we got it Barack, at first... but when DO you start being president???)

In April, on his first international ‘apology’ tour, Obama-lama-ding-dong apologized to Europe for America. (Wait a minute Barack buddy, we pulled Europe and the Worlds collective ass out of the fire at every turn since WWII!)

In June, Obama-lama-ding-dong apologized for Israel and compared the palestinians current plight to the holocaust atrocities suffered by the jews in WWII. (Has this guy ever read a history book?)

And my favorite... Obama-lama-ding-dong takes responsibility (sort of) in the following clip. Starting at sec 8, please pay attention to sec 16 into the clip when he says ‘because I’m the president’.... it’s hilarious how oleaginous he is...

Obama-lama-ding-dong continues to blame everyone but himself, and worse he blames our country at every turn.

Yes Obama-lama-ding-dong is The Sorry President, and We The People Are Sorry He Was Ever Elected!